Rescue Task Force - Hostile Event Interdiction
This course is offered Annually. Please check back for additional dates.
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Course provides a unified response capability amongst the Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue and EMS disciplines with proven tactics, techniques and procedures for a follow up response to a neutralized or mitigated hostile event. Once the threats are neutralized or contained, it is imperative to initialize Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services to assess, treat and transport mass casualty victims.
Pre-requisites: The course is open to Law Enforcement, Military personnel, Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services ONLY. Each officer or Medical Services personnel will show or verify employment prior to course registrations.
Audience: Law Enforcement, Military, Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services
Required Items: Patrol rifle if issued / issued duty weapon, Duty gear (pistol belt and holster), Duty uniform (3 days of training), Ballistic vest, Range gear (eye and ear protection), Medical Trauma and Triage Equipment (Not to be used. Simulation Only)
Location: DRC Armory Room 301, 1257 South 2nd Ave., Pocatello
For accommodation questions or needs please contact ISU Disability Services at (208)282-3599, or email disabilityservices@isu.edu.