Motor Operated Valve (MOV)
The Motor Operated Valve (MOV) Design Basis Course offers a combined classroom and laboratory educational experience dedicated to the functionality of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves under Design-Basis conditions. Since 2004, ISU has been able to establish and maintain a highly respected technical training program, initially focused on training US Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff. In response to utility, consultant, and vendor requests, ISU’s ESTEC is now offering this training to nuclear industry engineers and senior technicians to provide detailed understanding of the operation and function of MOVs in nuclear service. The training includes a comprehensive awareness of MOV: • design basis performance, • design basis verification and in-service testing of MOVs, • regulatory aspects of MOV maintenance and testing, • hands-on work with MOV actuators.
This course is taught by industry experts who have been on the forefront of MOV engineering with the United States Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory. With more than 52 years combined experience in Motor Operated Valve design basis research, nuclear energy reactor operations, commercial plant licensing and NRC MOV inspection, instructors Kevin G. DeWall and Mark R. Holbrook possess the distinctive knowledge necessary to provide this comprehensive training.
Location: Idaho State University
Cost: $2800.00
M-Th 8am-Spm, F 8am-12pm
Register Online or Call (208) 282-3372 to register by phone. International participants, please email cetrain@isu.edu with your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. We will contact you to complete registration and make payment arrangements (Visa or MasterCard only. Please do not email any card information)
Who should attend?
Designed for engineers, technical professionals, and managers involved in the design, qualification, in-service testing, and analysis of Motor-Operated Valves for safety-related service in nuclear power plants.
You will learn:
- Motor Operated Valves in Nuclear Power Plants: History and Application
- Valves and Actuators: Types, Usage, and Operation
- Theory of Design Basis Operation: Rising-Stem MOVs, Quarter-Turn MOVs, and Motor Actuators
- Design Basis Stem Thrust
- Design Basis Stem Torque
- Design Basis Actuator Capability
- MOV Laboratory – Actuator Disassembly, Assembly, and Switch Setting
- MOV Regulatory Requirements
- I.E. Bulletin 85-03
- Generic Letters 89-10, 95-07, and 96-05
- Periodic Verification
- NRC Generic Letter 96-05
- Joint Owners’ Group (JOG) Program
- ASME OM Code – Mandatory Appendix III and Code Case OMN-1
- Diagnostic Testing Overview
- MOV Laboratory – Test Stand Operation, Data Analysis, and Rate-of-Loading Demonstration
- Lessons Learned throughout the nuclear industry
Parking: On campus. Passes for the week will be provided on the first day.
Visitor Information: Visit Pocatello Website
Instructor: Kevin DeWall
Instructor: Mark Holbrook