Financial Literacy - Personal Finance - Online
Evaluate and analyze personal and public information and databases to develop financial literacy for budgeting, credit, borrowing, planning, insurance, investing and estate planning. Examine financial literacy within the larger context of the regulatory environment, society, data integrity and ethics.
The course is asynchronous online with 4 modules that can be completed at the students desired pace.
*This class is asynchronous online, registered participants will receive 16 weeks to watch, review, and complete the online coursework. A certificate will be available upon completion and successful submission of course work.
The Financial Literacy Certificate program is open to current Idaho State students in any major as well as the public. The full program consists of three courses. Course 1: Personal Finance will open in October 2021. Course 2: Financial Concepts will open TBD. Course 3: Financial Applications, will open TBD Students who complete all three courses will earn an additional certificate in Financial Literacy.