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Wilderness Physical Therapy: Level 1 (Basic Competencies)

Put your wilderness skills to use and learn how to combine your passion and profession. The Wilderness Physical Therapy First Responder Certification helps you achieve valuable PT continuing education units while studying what you love. In partnership with Idaho State University, students who complete this 5 part certification will receive 40 PT contact hours (4.0 CEU) and a PT First Wilderness Responder (PTFWR) Certification.


These courses are designed for physical therapists, other medical professionals, and those who are interested in emergency wilderness care. For the Wilderness PT First Responder Certification, participants must complete all 5 courses for a total of 4.0 CEUs. 4 of the courses are self-paced online classes, whereas the 5th course is in-person. The courses can be taken in any order. Each course may be taken as a stand-alone for CEUs but participants will not receive the PTFWR certification unless all 5 are completed.


Course I: Introduction to Wilderness Physical Therapy .5 PT CEUs (5 contact hours)

Course II: Environmental Factors in the Wilderness .6 CEUs (6 contact hours)

Course III: Trauma in the Back-country .5 PT CEUs (5 contact hours)

Course IV: Medical Problems in the Back-country  .4 PT CEUs (4 contact hours)

Course V: Traversing Wilderness Physical Therapy: An Outdoor, Hands-on Course 2.0 PT CEUs (20 contact hours)


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