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The Wisdom of the Body: Aging without Getting Old


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This course will help members learn that the effects normally associated with aging (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, weakness, mental decline, etc.) are not an inevitable.  Whether the participants are looking to avoid age-related issues or reverse them, this class will provide scientific-based information and guidelines for a high quality, healthy life.  Our bodies are designed to live a long, healthy life if we know how to care and feed them properly, exercise regularly, overcome stress, and develop a positive attitude.

Section 1: The human body can make its own medicine!  

Louis Ignarro, PhD won the Nobel prize for his discovery of how a healthy endothelium releases a chemical messenger called nitric oxide.  Nitric oxide prompts the body to make the medicine it needs to fight and treat illnesses.  

Section 2: Make Health you Hobby: Overcoming the three “-ations”: Oxidation, inflammation, glycation.

We should all establish an IRAH – Individual Retirement Account for Health.  People save money for retirement, but don’t think about saving their body to better enjoy it.  

Section3:  Processed, refined food is detrimental to human health, and it may be as addictive as cocaine.  

We human beings are biologically programmed to desire sugar and fat; this led our ancestors to find fruit, grain, vegetables, nuts and meats.  But after thousands of years, with the onset of the industrial revolution, dramatic changes took place in the way we eat.  Sugar and fat became ubiquitous.  

Section 4: Move it – the remarkable value of regular exercise.

In this class participants come to fully understand the enormous, wide-ranging value that regular exercise offers to enhance over-all health, including accelerating the removal of waste from the body, reducing the risk of diabetes, improving balance, strengthening joints and slowing aging.