Beginning Round Dance
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Round Dance – also called Choreographed Ballroom – is simply dancing ballroom figures, to music that is pre-choreographed. The figures are called out by a cuer (sort of like a square dance caller calls out square dance figures – only we’re dancing ballroom figures). In round dancing, we dance to many different rhythms: Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, West Coast Swing – to name just a few. We LOVE round dancing! This can be an easy way to learn to dance because:
1) The lead (usually the man) doesn’t have to spend his time figuring out what the next figure will be, memorizing repeating sequences of figures that can start to get boring, or worrying that his partner isn’t following his lead.
2) And the follower (usually the lady) doesn’t have to worry about whether she’s interpreting her partner’s lead correctly - since the cue will reassure her that she is!
Both partners can relax and just enjoy dancing the figures which have been pre-choreographed to express the music.
Beginning Round Dance Cha Cha and Rumba This 14-week course starts with the basics of round dancing and moves on from there, teaching a foundational set of Cha Cha and Rumba figures. Class time will include both instruction and dance time. A partner is not required, but is strongly encouraged since you will get a better understanding of lead/follow if you have one. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring clean shoes to change into to protect the floor (preferably suede-soled or smooth-soled shoes – more about this in the first class).
No class during Thanksgiving week.