Indian Boarding Schools:Terrosr & Dreams
Most people know of the great athlete Jim Thorpe. However, unless they are older, they will not know he was a product of the Carlisle Indian Boarding School. Col. Richard Pratt founded this system to “Americanize” Indians and lose their Native identities. Westerners would deem Pratt a success. Yet thousands of Indian students throughout North America suffered terrors in these schools that no family would tolerate for their children. We will discuss both results of this far-reaching experiment.
Course Options
Indian Boarding Schools: Terrors & Dreams
INDEX-NO: 3371 - 01
Date: 04/10/2025 - 04/10/2025
Contact Hours: 1.50
Price: $0.00
Indian Boarding Schools: Terrors & Dreams (3371 - 01)
Date: 04/10/2025 - 04/10/2025
Time: 01:00 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.
Type: classroom
Days: - - - - T - -
Contact Hours: 1.50
Price: $0.00
Co-requisite: NKA Membership - Pocatello | (limit 125 classes)
Indian Boarding Schools: Terrors & Dreams--ZOOM
INDEX-NO: 3371 - 02
Date: 04/10/2025 - 04/10/2025
Contact Hours: 1.50
Price: $0.00
Indian Boarding Schools: Terrors & Dreams--ZOOM (3371 - 02)
Date: 04/10/2025 - 04/10/2025
Time: 01:00 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.
Type: ZOOM
Days: - - - - T - -
Contact Hours: 1.50
Price: $0.00
Co-requisite: NKA Membership - Pocatello | (limit 125 classes)