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Hazard Recognition

Description Registration

Available with either English or Spanish Audio.

-A Spanish Transcript is available here.


How is a job safety hazard like a crocodile? Well you usually don't expect either of them to be there; a lot of time you don't even notice they are there; and sometimes you find them by surprise with not very pleasant results. This class uses a comparison of job hazards to crocodiles to assist the audience and attendees to better understand that hazards are not always that easy to identify. The presentation relates the two with video clips and job site photos to provide the comparisons of hazards and crocodiles.


The presentation shows examples of hazards at the job sites, like mounting/dismounting equipment, gravity as a hazard, unusual tasks, chemical agents, lifting heavy objects, working on high walls and steep slopes that the attendees can relate to and that they may have had to deal with at their own job sites. These hazards will be linked to the 11 most common sources of injury in the workplace. Through active audience interaction, participants will be given the opportunity to discuss other challenging workplace hazards that they may have encountered. The presentation objectives allow the participants to be able to achieve the following:


  • Understand what creates a workplace hazard
  • Anticipate where hazards might be hiding
  • Describe what types of injuries can result from workplace hazards
  • Approach safety hazards with the anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control method
  • Consider how human behavior contributes to unplanned incidents
  • Appreciate the importance of fully utilizing work safety plans in job planning



This new online series is made possible by the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program.

“This material was produced under grant SH20849SH0 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.”


*This class is fully online, registered participants will receive 30 days to watch, review, and complete. This material was filmed as part of Safety Fest, to learn more about Safety Fest please visit the official site at: