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Chinese Cuisine


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Chinese Cuisine is famous in the world.  The following sections will introduce a variety of dishes that may enhance your understanding of Chinese food.  If you are interested in tasting authentic Chinese food and/or learning how to cook these dishes, these classes are for you!! Must be 18+ to attend.

Section 1 – Dumplings

Many people like dumplings but few know how to make dumpling wrappers and filling.  However, it is easier than you think.  After you learn how to make wrappers, ad prepare dumpling filling, next time you can work with your family and friends to make dumplings. It can be fun, especially with kids.

Section 2 – Chinese Ground Pork Dishes

In this section, you will learn two Szichuan-style dishes that contain ground pork: Mapo Tofu and Ants Climb Trees (the title describes the cooked ground pork looks like ants; no ants will be cooked in this dish!)  Both dishes demonstrate Szichuan style, i.e. hot and spicy