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Call for Posters

Disaster Preparedness and Response Conference invites research contributions that advances the disaster response and emergency management technologies. One of the highlights of the Disaster Preparedness and Response Conference is the poster presentation, which allows the community to discuss the advancement, challenges and opportunities of disaster response and emergency management in both research and application sectors.


Important Dates:


  • March 18th, 2022: Poster paper submission due
  • March 21st, 2022: Poster paper notification
  • April 2nd, 2022: Digital poster submission

Submission Details

We welcome paper submissions of 2 pages, excluding the list of references. Poster paper submission will be reviewed based on extended abstract, work-in-progress, or late-breaking development work. Please note that the poster will not be archived however, we are exploring the possibility of archiving the work. A complete poster paper submission including paper and supplementary files should be made before this deadline. All submissions must be done electronically. All the paper submission must be in English. All poster paper submission should be prepared in IEEE Computer Society VGTC format and submitted as PDF.


Submissions Closed for 2022


Topic of Interest

All topics relevant to and advancing disaster response and emergency management are of interest. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


  • Disaster Management Cycle
  • Disaster Politics
  • Pandemics as Disasters
  • Disaster Response & Recovery at the National Level
  • Military Support in Disasters
  • Transportation & Communication Options amidst Disasters
  • Whole Community Approach to Disasters
  • Community Vulnerability and Resilience
  • Preparing Emergency Kits and Evacuation Plans
  • Virtual Operations Support Teams
  • Emerging Technologies for Disaster Preparedness and Response


We also encourage authors to submit emerging applications, technologies, and methodology papers addressing topics not listed above.

*Note: Digital poster submission guidelines will be shared after acceptance of the poster paper with the individual authors.


Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.


Rajiv Khadka, Idaho National Laboratory, USA