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Mark Holbrook


Mark Holbrook is an Advisory Engineer at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and has 38 years of experience in nuclear energy in the areas of reactor operations, mechanical engineering, and commercial reactor plant licensing.  In the area of motor-operated valves, Mark participated as a technical expert for over 110 NRC on-site MOV inspections as part of the NRC’s Generic Letter 89-10 MOV inspection program.  He has provided MOV training to NRC regional and resident inspectors (under contract to ISU) for the last 8 years and has provided MOV instruction to regulatory personnel from the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). 


Mark’s current responsibilities at the INL include support for advanced reactor licensing activities at the INL, where he serves as a licensing engineer for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) project.  He has co-authored several studies including an evaluation of special treatment requirements for low-risk safety-related components (NUREG/CR-6752) and a congressional feasibility study for deploying small modular reactors in remote locations.


Mark earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Engineering and graduated with honors from the University of Idaho in 1989.  He maintained qualifications as an experimental reactor plant operator and participated in several loss of coolant experiments at DOE’s Loss of Fluid Test (LOFT) reactor.  Prior to working at LOFT, he served 8.5 years in the U.S. Navy as a reactor plant operator in the submarine force.  Education for this activity included U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School training at Bainbridge MD, in 1974, and U.S. Navy, Nuclear Power Prototype Training at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) in 1975.


Last Updated: 11/13/12